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A selection from our newspaper
Enjoy our favorite stories and columns from previous issues.
Apr 1, 2022
Letter from the editors – 1 April 2022: If not now, then when?
What is it that makes us think we are better than a bird? A dog? Another human being? What makes one strive to outdo another person?
Anneli Groenewald
Mar 25, 2022
BOEKERUBRIEK – Om te ervaar in die oomblik – wat rugby ons van lees kan leer
’n Klompie jare gelede het ek in my navorsing gestrompel oor die werk van Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. Hy is van Duitse herkoms...
Mar 25, 2022
Redakteursbrief – 25 Maart 2022: Lekker om trots te voel
Dit bly darem maar lekker om spoggerig te kan voel oor iets.
En in ons werk as nuusversamelaars, het ons die voordeel...
Anri Matthee
Mar 25, 2022
PROFILE: Odette Curtis-Scott – Protecting the last 5% of Renosterveld
When Odette Curtis-Scott started the ORCT in 2012, saving one of SA’s most threatened ecosystems was “a dream that seemed impossible”.
Marius Swart
Mar 18, 2022
MARIUS PRAAT PLAAS – Alles lyk dalk vaal en lelik, maar …
Wonder jy soms waarom sommige graanlande gebrand word? Of waarom party graanlande vol stoppels staan en ander nie?
Margaretha Victor
Mar 18, 2022
BLIK VAN BINNE – Nuwejaars Wetlands area: an ode to beauty
The purple heron, oh the purple heron! The goshawk that I didn't see. Bustard, larks and little grebes. Flamingos from a dream of me...
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